My colleague, Darren Trussell, has recently written on this topic, considering the business infrastructure, the tools we use and the immediate need for remote flexible working on a Global scale.
Do you really think we needed a Global pandemic for this topic to be so relevant? It seems we did!
In this article, I wanted to share my thoughts on the Dynamic Workplace focusing on the “People Lens.”

Remote Working vs. Working in an Office
Topics such as the advantages of remote working, the true purpose of the office, the merits of social spaces, and the pros and cons of open-plan offices and hot-desking have all been on the table for discussion. And of course, how to make the most of office space in the best way for the business’s main asset – it’s people.
In the last couple of months, we have seen Twitter, Facebook and Google making positive comments that they will continue to support colleagues with remote working on an ongoing basis. On the other hand, CEO of Apple mandated a “refreshed Flexible working policy” where staff members go back to the office three days a week beginning in September, stating that the business has been impacted as collaboration is less successful whilst employees work remotely. I would be interested to hear your views on this point and how you are tackling this challenge.
The last 15 months has taught us how valuable it is to have the office environment to collaborate with colleagues, socialise, chat and brainstorm ideas. Some of us miss the office while others don’t. In a recent Harvard Business Review, the results of a study on 6,000 employees showed those working remotely were less motivated.
We then turn to how the office layout is configured – and this is not a new topic as aligning layout of spaces to support the scientific human behaviour, in turn enhancing the development of strong working relationships. So, we know open plan spaces work. We also know that strategically placing watercoolers will encourage those “water cooler moments.” The last year has taken away the opportunity for physical engagement and a new norm appeared with digital platforms.
Measuring Performance
How do we measure performance whilst working remotely? How productive have we actually been?
We know some employees have found remote working easier than others. There are many ways to measure performance and we know you don’t need to be visible in an office to demonstrate you are performing. Would you promote an employee who has been visible in the office vs. an employee who has been working remotely if they have both delivered the requirements of their role?
You could of course also consider how you disseminate your Objectives and key results (OKRs), the deliverables shared across your teams so that everyone has a part to play, and they are measurable.
At Illuminet Solutions we are supporting our clients with some unique tools and systems to help the individual, team and service performance. In our next series of articles we will share some of these successes.
Employee Engagement
Human Resources Leaders need to press the reset button as we find ourselves challenged by the memories of the 2008 economic downturn. We need to revisit the priorities to deal with the top 4 challenge:
- Global Health Crisis
- Mental Health Issues
- Economic downturn
- Business transformation & Restructure resulting in loss of jobs
We know the psychological impact a business reorganisation can have on employees and managing a fair and transparent process should be at the top of the list if businesses need to change their operating model.
So, what do we need to do as we have never had to deal with such uncertainty?
- Set the direction - Leaders need to set the direction. You may need to revisit the vision and strategy and set clear OKRs which are cascaded throughout the business (vertically and horizontally). They need to engage with colleagues and they need to be transparent and open and let them know the impact on the business and why/how it needs to change
- Cascade & Communicate - Leaders need to really understand the needs and concerns of their employees and communicate across teams ensuring consistent messages are being communicated
- Driving Execution – The leadership team need to plan how, what and when they will be supporting the business and the employees as they navigate through these challenging times
- Sustaining Change - The Leadership team need to be at the forefront continually to ensure the changes they are proposing will be in line with the OKRs, they are seeing a benefit and they are making a positive difference to the business.